Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Segment: Everyone Makes Their Own Decisions!

Everyone Makes Their Own Decisions!

Your decisions can kill you! Wow, what a strong statement this is. Your decisions can kill you. Let me say that one more time. Your (you and you alone) can (most likely will) kill (not longer in existence) you (you/your spirit). That sentence sorta catches your attention does it not? Moreover, why shouldn’t it. It is a statement that directly affects you.
Now let us turn the statement a little; let’s say, “your decisions can free you! Oh, now that sounds better doesn't it? Nevertheless, both sentences are true. True in that what we “choose,” is what we do. In other words, the decisions that we make are the roads to which we live. We all make our own decisions. So why would we choose to make a decisions to kill ourselves? Why would we make a decision to kill our Spirit; to kill our souls; to kill our hearts; to kill our light; to kill our god? For all of these are with in us.
We make decisions every day that make or change our lives. Why not make a decision to free ourselves of the dark road that we choose and put that decision to work to get us on the lit road. Lit by our own Soul.
I see people everyday that make bad decisions and then blame some one else for “their” own decision. Now I am not going to get into the “reason why” we as humans do this for there are hundreds of books that you can pick up and find out why we blame others for the thinks we do (one reason is called “Transference”). I do what to talk about why we should not make that bad decision in the first place and then we would not have to “blame” anybody else for what we choose. If we make our “good” decision, then we have placed ourselves on the lit road to our free spirit.
We must awaken to the “bright” side of our lives, not continue with this onset of making bad decisions, and then point the finger at others for the consequences.
To Be Continued…

Jay Bailey


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