Does God Play Favorites?
Does God Play Favorites?
God does not play favorites. Actually, you may not first believe this, but hopefully in time you will that no one is prettier or more beautiful than another is.
Now here is something I want you to really stop and think about, the only difference between a rose and a wild plant is judgment. Did you get that? Let us read that again. The only difference between a rose and a wild plant is judgment. There goes the Ego thinking for you again when your judgment persuades you that bodily exteriors of those judged most pretty in our society are of primary importance. Please remember, every time you let your Ego see others only as a sex object or as “just another pretty face,” that your higher self is not in play. It will be your Ego dominating you ever step of the way.
The opposite is true. If you are an attractive person and you find yourself feeling the need to compare yourself with others, you are then working for the Ego. You might look at some one and say; “would you look at that person, he/she is so ugly. Why are they even here with the rest of us? They don’t compare and should not be in the same rank as us.” This is pure Ego at work with no sign of your Higher Consciousness in sight.
You must learn that everyone and I mean EVERYONE, is on his or her own holy journey. They too are living the life of finding their God or their Buddha, or Spirit or what ever the path that they are on. Who are you to judge them? I guess you would want them to judge you. I believe not. This is where we all have to realize that we are all one. We are all on the same journey. We all maybe on different parts of the path, but that is ok. You would not have or want someone else to judge you just because you have not caught up to were they are on the path of existence. So learn to have love for all.
Once you have learned this, you should only send love instead of judgment. Remember, your Ego will be trying to talk you out of this, for the Ego is far too apprehensive to let you believe what you are reading. Do you not want a change in your life? Can you not feel something in side of you pulling at your heart or Soul, telling you it knows that there is more for you in life than remarking on what somebody is wearing or how someone looks? Is there not more to you than that? Is that what you were born to live for, to worry about what others think of you and what someone might say if you gave love instead of hate? Would you not feel love back? I am here to promise you, that if you will start giving out love, you will start receiving it back in more ways than you could imagine.
When you finally start living your life in this direction and disregard your erroneous self, you will stop comparing yourself to others and you will no longer be “working” for the Ego. You will be “working” for yourself, your higher self, and your true journey can begin.
Jay Bailey
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