Friday, June 03, 2005

It’s hard to argue…

It’s hard to argue…

It is hard to argue with someone that does not have a need to be right. When someone wants to argue, you can easily find someone, all you need is someone with an Ego that is out of control. When your Ego controls you, you must be right or you will feel threatened. As you are threatened, you will feel the need to prove that you are precise in your evaluation of life as you see it. However, what you are not realizing is, you are looking through your Ego and NOT your eyes. You are living through your Ego and Not your heart.
Therefore, you become the perfect person, the perfect person to argue with, because you are forever teaching the world, that you are right. What if you did not live through your Ego and start living through your Higher Consciousness? You might find that you would not need to feel right all the time and you would not need to argue with persons that must feel right to be complete.
Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to argue with someone who is not obsessed with being right? That person could be you.

Jay Bailey


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