Poisonous Thoughts
Poisonous Thoughts
Poisonous thought is when we only have an outlook of bad thinks rather than the good of the Universe. Small annoyances can keep you from experiencing the closeness with God. Two (of many) examples that will keep you from a life being close to God are loathing and resentment. When you find yourself putting loathing or resentment on a higher level than peace, you then must know that your Ego is very much at work.
Being negative and uncooperative, you are sending out a signal that you are not interested in receiving love. Sending out negativity will only return negativity. When you decided to work out of your Higher Consciousness, your Ego will retreat and slowly disappear. This will make room for peace and love to come your way because you are sending it out from your higher self.
Another negative is when you are mistrustful or obsessed with suspicion. That is someone that believes that everyone and/or the world is out to do them harm. I would like you to become the opposite of this and have an outlook of trust. See the world and the people in your life as someone you can provide for, to protect, and to do right by them.
This is nothing more than, an attitude adjustment we are giving ourselves. We are just reminding ourselves that there is a divine oneness in all of us. When we work thought our Higher Consciousness, we are reminded to serve in the light of Love, not in harm to others or ourselves. Everyone we meet has something to teach us. We are here to learn and to learn from teachers. It is truly a scheme (our teachers) to become and to have a blissful life and to life in a divine state.
Start thinking of yourself as trusting, and then you will notice your Ego slowly slipping away from the control it has on you. New thoughts of joy and overall good feelings will replace the negative, depressing ideas that the Ego likes to keep you in bondage with, and you will be living from your Higher Consciousness. Now go on with your life and stop the poisonous thoughts.
Jay Bailey
Absolutetly love this one! I have a god friend who seems to running only on "poisonious thoughts". Definitely going to recommend that he reads your blog!
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