Thursday, June 30, 2005

I am better than you!

I am better than you!

Ever said that before? Ever heard someone else say that before? I am better than you. Sounds like something a small child would say doesn’t it? Well, chances are that you have said it many times before. Maybe not even aloud, but you’ve said it to yourself. You have felt that way before. Come on, you trying to tell me that you are not better than a murderer is? You are not better than a rapist is? Who are we kidding here, you are better than them and truth be told (by you) that you are better than most if not all of your co-workers in your office. Hey, you know yourself that sometimes you are better than your spouse is, if not most all of the time. She does not really know what is going on in the “real” world. He does not know what “you” go through everyday. You know you are better than them! I am better than you!
Our Egos would have us believe that each and every one of us is special and a one of a kind person deserving special treatment and attention from everyone, and mostly God. Our Ego is so quick to judge the appearances of others and to compare them to ourselves. We are so fast to compare what “we” have to what they do not have. We cannot get past the fact that we need to be better than someone else, so that we may feel better about ourselves. The Ego makes us think that we need another’s pain and losses to make us complete in our minds.
When we are living from our Higher Consciousness, we are more centered with God and know in our hearts, and spirit that all the differences in people are just surface interpretations. Meaning, we are seeing that the outside shell (earth suit) that we Souls live in through our journey on the earth are just that, suits of skin, but at the core of us is the universal essence that really matters. The same energy that is in you right now reading these words is the same energy that flows through me as I write them. We are both the same. We are one.
There is not a divided, split, or separate God for everyone. It is our Ego that tells us that this is true. There is but one universal God for all. God may come in many forms, Buddha, Allah, Jesus, or Abundance, but there is only one Universe and it is the Universe that gives us the path of Love. When we see each other for what we are, “Gods Love,” we see the fullness of God in each of us and we stop the comparisons. The concept that people should be judged based on how they compare to you, is equivalent to the idea that you are better in the eyes of God. Do you really think that you are better than someone else in the eyes of God? You may want to re-think that. If you believe that you are better in the eyes of God, and then you are implying that, you believe that God’s creations, unlike you in appearance or personality or even interest are errors, Gods failures. But how could God make errors? God made all and all is God. You are a reflection of God and so are your earthly brothers and sisters.
There is no room for doubt or feelings of superiority when learning to live from your Higher Consciousness and not from your Ego.
Lastly, when you view others, see them not as the “earth suits” that we reside in, but welcome them as the Spirit of God that they are. Come to believe that we are all one in holiness. Start loving yourself and others equally.

Jay Bailey


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