Why don’t we say, I love you?
Why don’t we say, I love you?
Why don’t we say I love you to each other enough? I don’t mean that we walk around telling everybody that we see or meet, hey, I love you! I’m talking about saying I love you to the ones that we really love, our mothers, fathers, wife’s, kids and brothers and sisters, etc. The ones that we “do” love.
I believe we have built some walls of fear that hold us back. Or we are maybe ashamed to say it. Funny, ashamed to say I love you. We are very quick to say I hate you or what you do makes me mad. Huh, that rather seems backwards to me. I would think that saying mean and hurtful things to each other would make us feel ashamed, not I love you. It’s so simple to just let go and tell someone what you think.
Maybe it comes from how we were raised. Meaning, some families are close and hug each other and some families are the “shake hands” types. You know even the mothers and the sons and daughters. They seem to not be able to show their affection to one another. As for myself, I came from a “hugging” family. When we come into the house when we have not seen a family member in a day or two, we go up and hug them. It’s not as if we are dropping all of our guards down (not that we should have any to drop, this is our family) and letting ourselves be vulnerable. You just have to be yourself. Let someone love you, for you “do” love him or her.
When we see our friends, I mean our true friends, we don’t find many of us just going up to them and saying hello and giving them a friendly hug and say; “hey, how have you been doing?” Is that so hard? Is that so personal that we feel uncomfortable. We should just, feel. We don’t seem to feel anymore. We just seem to react, react to the daily bad news, the bad day we are having, the way our day is going. We do not control our days anymore they control us. We let what we see as bad things come in to our minds and “make” up our day’s format. We seem to only want to take in the bad. I know you are saying, “well, I don’t do that”, but you are one of the first ones to say, “on my way to work today, this guy cut me off on the expressway and really made me mad and it just screwed up the rest of my day”, or “My wife said something to me before I left today and it really pissed me off and now I just don’t even want to be here.” This is what I mean, we are not feeling anymore. We are just reacting. We are letting bad reactions from others, come in to our lives and keeping us from feeling. Try feeling “love.” Try feeling love for others. Try showing love for each other. Try saying, I love you. At least try saying it to the ones you really love.
All I am really trying to say here is, if you “do” love someone, why not tell him or her. We never know when the last time we will see someone. We may loose that opportunity to tell some one we love them. It’s not hard to say and it does not cost you any money. So try it.
And by the way, I love you!
By: Jay Bailey
I think we are just selfish with our "gifts" of professed love( i.e. we'll tell them we love them after they make us happy and not when they make us mad ).
I myself have started to break that little barrier down, starting with my mother, telling her of my love for her fairly often and this has started to trickle down to the rest of my many, many siblings so that I sometimes tell them I love them for no reason, whereas before I suppose I had simply wanted to leave them thinking that as they hadn't done what Mom or Dad had done for me, they certainly did not have that same level of love from me.
That is stupid and that is wrong and thus, with God's grace working in me, I shall overcome this stupid worldview that obviously hasn't come from the Bible because it states that not only do men not cry, they also never show emotion beause they're "in control" and feel they have earned all that which they enjoy in life.
Meh, the sin of the Pharisees was not primarily that they were legalistic, it was that they took the credit for their good works and gave none of it to God, who was really the one working through them toward the good of both themselves and the world. That philosophical statement is made through my understanding of the depravity of man, which states that we'll always do the wrong thing if not for God's intervention through His Word or through His direct work in our lives. I can not do right within myself. That which I would, I do not, and that which I would not, I do. Oh, wretched man that I am, who will save me from the body of this death? Thank you, Jesus. :-)
Anyhoo, I'm sorry I haven't come over here sooner; I just forgot and frankly didn't sucessfully communicate what I meant when you posted over on my blog. I meant to say that I was sorry I deleted your post, I couldn't tell if it was something you actually wrote or if it was one of those e-mails that get passed around. I don't like those e-mails because while they express truth, I want to interact with the author thereof and discuss some of the perhaps ambigous statements made therein. I don't mind you linking to your blog for me to read your post, I just, as a neat freak and conservationist, would rather you keep your article in one spot, rather than taking up twice the space by posting it somewhere else. It'd also have people probably read your other stuff, know what I mean? ;-) I made a mistake, I know, but I hope you'll forgive me. ;-) Next time, just post your link to your article and I'll read it.
Well, cheers and God Bless,
P.S. Feel free to post on my blog again.. ;-)
P.P.S. Now I know you're not selling articles.. :P Just kidding.. ;-)
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