Saturday, May 14, 2005

Self Help: Intimate Relationships – Family, Friends and Co-Workers

Intimate Relationships – Family, Friends and Co-Workers

Your avoidance of an intimate relationship is influenced by the Ego. The Ego can make you avoid all attempts to be loved by others. You will find yourself refusing to allow the possibility of an intimate relationship or the development of an intimate encounter. Living from your Higher Self will not allow your Ego to control you in your relationships.
When ever possible, take the risk of intimacy. Tell someone how you feel. Even tell them that you love how you feel. You feeling love inside you is ok. You may feel the fear also inside you at this time, but take the chance, tell someone how you truly feel. Just do it! Acting through your fear of intimacy, you invite your Higher Self to replace Ego’s non-loving fear tactics. Invite “your” loving presence to your life. Start loving to live and living to love.
Take the chance of saying how much you love someone. Tell this person how much you value them. Be vulnerable in order to get to get acquainted with him or her better. Opening your heart to others is the way of expressing yourself and you can defeat fear of intimacy. Find an excuse to show your love. Express yourself to him or her as often as possible. It is the essence “of you” that counts. The more you do this the more the fear goes away and soon there will be no fear. For you will not be living from your Ego.

Jay Bailey

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Self Help: Verbal Attacks

Verbal Attacks

Do not let others draw you into a verbal attack. Show them that it is useless to engage you in such matters. Confrontation with others uses energy, and that is not something that you want to give up for an obtuse cause. When people try to use guilt to draw you in, just bypass on their request.
Come to know that you have left the bad and moved over (through your Higher Consciousness) to the good (God), closer to the Source (God). Knowing this, is allowing your HC to give you direction. Remember where you have come from, your Ego. Having been ruled by the Ego, but now you are living from the HC. Know in your mind, even say it to yourself, that you are no longer working out of your Ego, you are working toward the Source. You want to live through your HC. When people insist that you should feel, in the wrong, just decline.

Jay Bailey

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Segment: You and Your Ego

You and Your Ego

The Ego and you don’t see eye to eye. Your Ego sees you much differently than you do. The Ego is not your best friend even though you like to live through it. You believe that the Ego “is” you, but it is not the real you. The truth lies within you and that is your Higher Consciousness.
Have you been driving your car and ever had an emergency vehicle come up behind you, and as you looked in the rearview mirror, you saw the words AMBULANCE written backwards? Let’s think about that. When you look in the mirror at yourself, you see everything backwards. Your right side of your face is the left side of your face. The left arm is your right arm. Please recognize that this is a rearward view that you are seeing and you make the apposite alteration.
Do you confuse reality with the figure that you see in the mirror? Of course, you do not. Ego is a lot like the image in the mirror, without the backwards adjustment. The Ego wants you to look for the inside on the outside. The outer false impression is the major obsession of the Ego. Your Higher Self is to reflect your inner reality rather than the outer false impression.
The solution to your Higher Consciousness is about you freeing yourself from the Ego supported delusion that the ultimate meaning and satisfaction of your life will be found outside of yourself.
The Ego is a wall that we build. People, (in the words of President Ronald Reagan), “Tear Down That Wall.”

Jay Bailey

Segment: Everyone Makes Their Own Decisions!

Everyone Makes Their Own Decisions!

Your decisions can kill you! Wow, what a strong statement this is. Your decisions can kill you. Let me say that one more time. Your (you and you alone) can (most likely will) kill (not longer in existence) you (you/your spirit). That sentence sorta catches your attention does it not? Moreover, why shouldn’t it. It is a statement that directly affects you.
Now let us turn the statement a little; let’s say, “your decisions can free you! Oh, now that sounds better doesn't it? Nevertheless, both sentences are true. True in that what we “choose,” is what we do. In other words, the decisions that we make are the roads to which we live. We all make our own decisions. So why would we choose to make a decisions to kill ourselves? Why would we make a decision to kill our Spirit; to kill our souls; to kill our hearts; to kill our light; to kill our god? For all of these are with in us.
We make decisions every day that make or change our lives. Why not make a decision to free ourselves of the dark road that we choose and put that decision to work to get us on the lit road. Lit by our own Soul.
I see people everyday that make bad decisions and then blame some one else for “their” own decision. Now I am not going to get into the “reason why” we as humans do this for there are hundreds of books that you can pick up and find out why we blame others for the thinks we do (one reason is called “Transference”). I do what to talk about why we should not make that bad decision in the first place and then we would not have to “blame” anybody else for what we choose. If we make our “good” decision, then we have placed ourselves on the lit road to our free spirit.
We must awaken to the “bright” side of our lives, not continue with this onset of making bad decisions, and then point the finger at others for the consequences.
To Be Continued…

Jay Bailey

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Truly see the Universe...

To truly see the universe that God gives us, we must take, at least a small look, at Physics (Quantum Mechanics).

As we look at our inter-self, we need to look at our inter-world. Yes looking into the stars and the wonderful mystery of life within the universe is a breathtaking enjoyment. However, we need not to just look outside, but deep inside.
Carl Jung wrote, “The psychological rule says when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not became conscious of his inner contradictions; the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves.”
The Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Wolfgang Pauli, put it like this, “From an inner center the psyche seems to move outward, in the sense of an extraversion, into the physical world…
If they are right, then physics is the study of the structure of consciousness.

The descent downward from the macroscopic level to the microscope level, which we have been calling the realm of the very small, is a two-step process. The first step downward is to the atomic level.
The smallest object that we can see, even under a microscope, contains millions of atoms. To see the atom in a baseball, we would have to make the baseball the size of the earth. If a baseball were the size of the earth, its atoms would be about the size of grapes. If you can picture the earth as a huge glass ball filled with grapes, that is approximately how a baseball full of atoms would look.
The step downward from the atomic level takes us to the subatomic level. Here we find the particles that make up atoms. The difference between the atomic level and the subatomic level as the great as the difference between the atomic level and the world of sticks and rocks. It would be impossible to see the nucleus of an atom the size of a grape. In fact, it would be impossible to see the size of the nucleus of an atom the size of a room. To see the nucleus of an atom, the atom would have to be as high as a fourteen-story building would be about the size of a grain of salt. Since a nuclear particle has about 2,000 times more mass than an electron, the electrons revolving around this nucleus would be about as massive as dust particles!
Now let us just stop and think about this for a minute. Again, we must take, at least a small look, at Physics (Quantum Mechanics).

Jay Bailey